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the youngest karaoke singer to slay 'em
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Author:  Product 19 [ Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  the youngest karaoke singer to slay 'em

so far, who has been the youngest karaoke singer for you that absolutely slayed their song / performance etc?

i know, some of y'all don't deal with kids at your shows. but what say ye

Author:  Product 19 [ Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: the youngest karaoke singer to slay 'em

i've mentioned before: the best for me, was a pair of girls who had to be like 6 yrs old and 3 yrs old or something who absolutely killed the rap song, "hot ni99a" by bobby shmurda. the song had just came out. i didn't realize i had it in karaoke. after not finding any songs they wanted to sing, they settled on bobby shmurda.

the 6yr old said she wouldn't cuss and didn't. i was shocked she could read so well at that age, follow along to the beat and absolutely murdered the performance. the pair got a standing ovation and cheers in the packed room i was at--a family restaurant. it was a sweet performance too. like you saw the song from a 6-yr old's point of view. with a 6 yr old's voice. the 3 yr old only had one memorable line "get up out my trap house" the 3 yr old nailed it. and that was the turning point in the performance that got everyone into it. at first everyone was shocked until that point. after that point everyone was like, ok, you little sweet girls are about buisness. when the 3 yr old hit that line, on cue the 6 yr old went silent and pointed to the 3 yr old. the 3 yr old couldn't read, so you couldn't hear her through the song. the 6 yr old carried it. so when the 3 yr old hit that line, like i can do something too, everyone went crazy. all spontaneous.

6 yr old rapped on-beat. didn't miss a lyric. didn't cuss. she moved around, she had swag too. again the whole thing was spontaneous. it wasn't their first song choice. they came back to me about 2 more times before they settled on it--her suggestion. she didn't know the title just lines in the song. again, it was such a sweet performance, you couldn't hate on it or anything. it was purley and adult song, performed gracefully by kids. it definitely would've gone viral had someone taped it. to this day, i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up viral somewhere because someone taped it.

their performance single-handedly changed my mind on what young people could do. never would've imagined someone so young could pull off something like that. no fear. i'd been scared my parents could hear me or afraid of an audience. nope. and it was spontaneous. they didn't practice that.

Author:  Product 19 [ Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: the youngest karaoke singer to slay 'em

that above was a few yrs ago

recently there's a little girl that can sing and rap. she's probably about 7. amazing kid can sing pop and rap drake lines on beat, catch the words on the screen even if they're speeding by. she's so good, i'm beginning to think she's a little person faking that she's a child. she's too good. can sing billie eilish on key and everything. then hit you with drake afterwards. she did lizzo too.

and of course, her little buddy friends can all sing equally too. blew me away. made me wish singing was back in style on the radio for them to sing more songs.

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