Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Finding New Karaoke Songs
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Author:  adamjohnson [ Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Finding New Karaoke Songs

Hi , I am new here . I am wondering if there are any companies left that take new songs as they come out to make the downloads for karaoke to sell . The only one I know of is singers solution . The other places seem to just go back and look for old songs that people already have on discs or down loads.
more: sun láng hạ
And call them new releases . I know SBI and Karaoke Version does that . They will often get songs that for what ever reason were never put on karaoke before and I get some those sometime but don't get many calls at all for them at shows because the reason they were not put on karaoke before is they were not popular enough . When I say new songs I meant like what Pop Hits Monthly used to do every month . Those songs were no more than a couple of months old usually . I don't need any more old songs I need a way to keep up to date with newer songs.

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Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding New Karaoke Songs

A 'new song' on karaoke is anything that hasn't been released on karaoke be it a current radio hit or back catalog song never released before (which are still in high demand in the majority of shows - simply because they've never been released on karaoke before). SBI/Karaoke Version are very good at releasing both current and back catalog tracks so not sure why you think they do not.
Karaoke.net, Mr.Entertainer, Sunfly, Zoom also release new and old tracks as well (Mr Entertainer and Sunfly are pretty much SBI these days as well). You aren't going to really find 'monthly' releases like days of yore for current hits - but they all release 'current' hits regularly.

Author:  Alan B [ Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding New Karaoke Songs

The closest thing to new monthly releases of new songs is Zoom Pop Chart Picks. It comes out about every 2 months. So far this year, we're at Part 3. Part 4 should be out any time. They are great for getting the new releases on CDG discs.

Author:  dvdgdry [ Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finding New Karaoke Songs


For new Zoom and Sunfly and Mr Entertainer, etc. content on CDG.

You could peruse the new song titles there from them and then go to Karaoke-version.com to download on the fly or just order the CDGs from them and wait a couple weeks for delivery after it passes thru Customs.

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