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i need a word for it...
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Author:  Product 19 [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  i need a word for it...

i need a good word for it...we need a word for it..

my dad used to call it "a touchdown" for some reason when he had a killer night at his job.

for my fellow KJs who work multiple nights hosting karaoke...as i do...i want a word for when you work all your karaoke shifts for the week, and every single night was a home run that you hit out of the park. but i want a word for after you reach the final night of that week with another out of the park home run; kinda like bowling 3 strikes in a row is called "a turkey" or in ice hockey it's "a hat trick" if you score 3 goals in a row...

i always feel like i need to mark that week with a word. it's a blessing everything worked out. funny, i haven't had one of those weeks in a while. but working tonight felt like the first home run night of the week that would lead to other home run nights this week and felt like one of those weeks where i'd get my hat trick/turkey

maybe that's the word for it? a hat trick turkey when your shows were solid-As all week. not A-, not B+. You pulled in a solid A grade show all 3-5 nights back to back. i want a word or phrase to call it

i guess 'hat trick turkey' will do for now....

Author:  Product 19 [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

btw, trust when i say i've had a string of really bad nights for the past several months. i feel like i haven't had a good hat trick turkey week since 2017...

Author:  Warrenkel16 [ Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

Product 19 wrote:
i need a good word for it...we need a word for it..

my dad used to call it "a touchdown" for some reason when he had a killer night at his job.

for my fellow KJs who work multiple nights hosting karaoke...as i do...i want a word for when you work all your karaoke shifts for the week, and every single night was a home run that you hit out of the park. but i want a word for after you reach the final night of that week with another out of the park home run; kinda like bowling 3 strikes in a row is called "a turkey" or in ice hockey it's "a hat trick" if you score 3 goals in a row...

i always feel like i need to mark that week with a word. it's a blessing everything worked out. funny, i haven't had one of those weeks in a while. but working tonight felt like the first home run night of the week that would lead to other home run nights this week and felt like one of those weeks where i'd get my hat trick/turkey

Product 19, I like your Dad, have an affinty, for the term,
Touchdown! Only two other words come to mind, Ground
Swell, comes to mind, as a friend once found a bag of ....
(lets call it) Green Tabacco on the sidewalk, and proclaimed
it to be a Ground Swell. That doesn't quite fit the bill though,
it's close. Now our Cajun Cousins in Lousiana have a catch
All Phrase for all things Wonderful, that being said, i submit
To you, the Term of Undeniable Joy and Happiness, BooYah!

maybe that's the word for it? a hat trick turkey when your shows were solid-As all week. not A-, not B+. You pulled in a solid A grade show all 3-5 nights back to back. i want a word or phrase to call it

i guess 'hat trick turkey' will do for now....

Author:  dvdgdry [ Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

I've never come up with a name for a great night. Most are great.

I do have a word for a BAD night.


Author:  spotlightjr [ Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

How bout "a walkoff"
or maybe "euphoria.
maybe "grand slam"
.... my fav.... "I chunked it"

Author:  rickgood [ Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

How about Nirvana

Author:  jdmeister [ Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

Go with the old standard. "Nailed It"..

Author:  Capt Frank [ Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

I'm probably a little older then most here, the term we used to describe a successful event, whatever it may be, was hit a homerun. However, karaoke in many parts of the country is not what it use to be. Some venues were 5 nights a week, some even 7 nights, if the club etc. was dedicated to karaoke only. Now many of those clubs are just one night, and they've come up with a new name, called open mic. to get people into those old karaoke venues.

Author:  c. staley [ Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

A great night in a week of nights: "A Great Night."

A great WEEK of karaoke nights: "A fluke."

Author:  NoShameKaraoke [ Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i need a word for it...

I dunno, guys. The solid majority of my karaoke nights are spectacular.

Well, from this side. As a patron. With the liquor...

(says the guy who is at a karaoke night, working on spreadsheets for work, so take that with a grain of salt)

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